Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Will the REAL MEN please stand up!

Ok, I need to vent. What is all this ‘tone’-speak and ‘style’-speak coming from the men of the RNC? What the hell is Boehner talking about, “Republicans need to learn to speak to all Americans.” WHAT? How about we already know how to speak to all Americans-IN ENGLISH! Thanks to the feminization of masculinity, more & more men have taken on feminine attributes & characteristics. Talking about the ‘tone’ and ‘style’ of communicating is generally a feminine attribute, owing to the more emotional side of a female. Masculinity generally focuses on results, logic, process, etc, not how ‘good’ or ‘sensitive’ something may sound or look. Give me a freakin break! In the femi-nazi’s efforts to ‘change’ men and ‘make them understand us’ and certainly, ‘make them more sensitive,’ masculinity has fallen by the way-side for a lot of men. Newsflash to the real men: There are STILL feminine women who are not ashamed of their femininity and who LOVE masculinity. We want our men to be able to change our tires without worrying about their nails getting dirty. We want our men to come get the bags out the car-5 or 6 at a time. We want our men to take of his jacket and place it around our shoulders on a chilly night. We want our men to walk on the outside of the pavement while we’re walking down the street in case the cars splash gutter water. We want our men protect us, provide for our family, and still be loveable, firm, and good lovers. We want our men to take their rightful places in the town squares and stand against the shenanigans of any political machines. We want our men to jack-up our boys when they buck at their mothers. There’s a time for a man to wear make-up: When he’s performing on stage or in front of the press, but, dammit, when the curtain closes or the cameras have stopped flickering, TAKE-OFF THE MAKE-UP! You should not look better or be more concerned about your ‘looks’, ‘tone,’ and ‘style’ than your woman or any woman. Get a grip. Go do some push-ups. Go shoot the breeze with the guys. Go run some laps or something, but for heaven’s sake, be masculine!

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