Wednesday, May 22, 2013

POTUS visits my kid's school!

Last week, POTUS visited my kid’s school. Here is how my conversation went with the local police officer and one of the Secret Service personnel:

PO: (As I’m dropping off my kid at the entrance) Ok ma’am- you can leave her here and I need you to go ahead and leave. She will be safe.

Me: Officer, let’s get something straight right now-I do this EVERYDAY and I WILL stand here until she goes into the building. I understand I cannot go thru the barricade/detector, but, I WILL stand here until she goes into the building. Please don’t patronize me with, “She will be safe-we got her,” because that implies on the other 180+ school days, she’s not safe-Is that what you’re saying?
PO: Ma’am, I’m just doing my job. I’m not trying to say you’re not the mother, but, I have kids, too. (He was looking very nervous at this time)

Me: Officer --- First, let me assure you that I will not curse you out nor will I disrespect you and what you’re doing. I am thankful that you serve our city and I understand you’re doing your job. I am a veteran, so I understand and support your service. But, since we both have kids, you should know & understand that as a mother, I and most of these parents out here bring our kids to this school everyday and this is what we do. Since I cannot enter the building, I will stand on this lawn, in front of you and this barricade until my kid has entered the building. This is MY kid, not the government’s, not POTUS (I said Obama’s), and since POTUS’ kids have 24/7 armed security-including at school, then I only have the satisfaction of knowing my kid is safe when I assure that she is safely in the building. You all are only here for the 30 minute ‘Pimp the kids photo op’ so, please, spare me the drama.

After I assured him I was not going to curse him or disrespect him-but, I wasn’t moving until I saw my kid in the school-he relaxed. One of the vice principals came over to me to thank me for not being disrespectful or cursing because, as she said, “Mom, you would not believe how many times we have already been cursed out this morning.”

As I was going back to my car, a small group of angry parents were on the corner waiting to cross the street. A Secret Service man was right on the corner with us and as we were venting to each other, he heard me use my ‘Pimp the kids photo op’ line and he laughed and said, “Ma’am-you’re right. I totally understand and agree.” I told him not to say too much because he was on duty and in uniform. He laughed at that, too.

I also made the point to say that all this pomp & circumstance is a political ploy and I don’t care who is in office-because Amy, Ron Jr., Chelsea, Jenna & Barbara, and Malia & Sasha did, do, & will always have 24/7 security, but our kids & school were chosen to be pimped and played for political reasons.

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