Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Parents WAKE UP-We are raising the next menaces to society!

Today I substituted at a local elementary school-a fourth grade class-and I spent the last half of the day as the hall monitor.

I can only imagine what goes on at home (or doesn't) with most of these kids.

Nine & ten year olds walking the halls, cursing, shouting at teachers, (and those are the least aggressive students) was the norm. One student absolutely refused to listen to anyone and would enter & leave any classroom he pleased, without any repercussions. I asked the counselor if his behavior was a daily occurrence and she replied, "Yes. No one can do anything with him. He doesn't listen to anyone and he stays in the hallway or the classroom as he chooses."

And that is what this student did all day. He interrupted other classrooms, would sit in the hall reading a magazine or sing out loud. He would even walk the hallway and have his pencil scrape over all the lockers as he walked.

Of course, I asked a few administrators and teachers, "Where are the parents? Have they been notified?" I even collected a few names of students and told them I would call their parents on my break-which I attempted to do, only to be shot down by the school secretary with, "Those are the same students we've called about before-with no response."

Can you imagine? When I & most of you reading this were in grade school, we were afraid of the teachers & administrators. Of course there were always class clowns & maybe, maybe one or two bad kids, but even they knew their limits. Teachers had no qualms about pulling us up, even by the collar, but really, in most cases, all it took was having to stay for detention and our behavior & attitude would shape up quickly.

Now, what I'm about to say will undoubtedly make the blood boil in some of you, but, that's never stopped me before: Most of the students in this school were black kids, living in single-parent/female homes, no fathers or significant male role models, and a predominantly female-run school. Most of the students were reading below average (if at all), and most of them could not complete basic science & math problems.

But, these kids knew the latest pop & rap music, artists, fashion trends, & popular television shows.

Most of these kids did not even register the words, 'authority,' or 'adult,' or 'respect,' or the like. And, most of them had no fear when they were told their parents would be contacted about their behavior.

Why am I writing all this? First, I need to vent. I know most of you have heard this story before, either personally or in the national media. Most of us are surely aware of the ill-consequences to families, children, & society when generations of children are raised without dads. Yes, I'm sure you know those data and stats.

Second, I am writing to ask all parents, whether or not your kids attend school X or Y, when is the last time you visited your child's school? When is the last time you actually met & discussed your child's academic progress face-to-face, with your child's teachers?

When is the last time you discussed and accepted that your child's behavior is out of control and your child needs some strict, tough, discipline? When is the last time you faced yourself and admitted to yourself that you are not parenting well and you need some help with properly rearing your child?

When is the last time you actually came to grips with the fact that your child is on the fast-track to being a menace to society?

Do you remember the novel, "Lord of the Flies"? If you do, you have a vivid picture of what that school looked like today.

But, I bet these derelicts will receive the expensive Ipods, Playstations, & other gadgets on Christmas because mommy (and daddy in some cases) believes they are entitled to have their feelings assuaged because mommy would feel so guilty if she carried out the promised consequences for bad behavior.

And the menaces begat menaces.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

No beatin' 'round the bush!

Kid: Mommy, all kids need fathers, right?

Me: Yes, kids need fathers & mothers.

Kid: But, if a kid doesn’t have a father, can he go to a foster parent?

Me: Well, some kids live in foster homes-and, thank God for those foster parents who
take care of those kids. ...

Kid: So, what’s a guardian?

Me: A guardian is someone that takes care of a kid if the parents can’t or won’t take care of their own kids-like a foster parent.

Kid: Well, why would a parent NOT take care of their own kids?

Me: Sometimes parents are sick and can’t take care of their kids. Sometimes parents die in accidents or from their illness. Sometimes parents just don’t take care of their kids.

Kid: Oh, so you mean when a parent just doesn’t take care of their kids then they are lazy and not being responsible, right?

Me: Yes…I guess so!

Kid: Then, why do they make the children if they are not going to take care of them?

Me: That’s a good question.

Kid: (Thinking out loud) Maybe they are just selfish!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why Do Some Wives Say This?

Ok, now please don't take this the wrong way, but I've been wondering why some women-now wives, respond to this question like this:
Q: How long have you been married?

A: Oh, we've been married 2 years (or 5 or 16 or 25), but we've been together for 12 (or 16 or 22).

Why does being married have to be qualified? What does the extra information mean? Why is it important to the wife answering the question?

I asked myself these questions and I called a friend who is dating someone. She did not know, either but mentioned, "I don't know, E-I'm not married."

The few answers I came up with were: (a) The wife/woman is silently acknowledging the significance of dating someone for a few years (or more) even before they were married; (b) wife/woman may be embarrassed or feel some kind of guilt and shame if she and her now husband were shacking-up before marriage; (c) The wife/woman definitely knows and understands that even if she and her now husband had lived together before marriage, there is something immensely different, beautiful, special, complex, and Holy than just living together for any amount of time.

Which leads me to my final thought(s) on this-if women/wives KNOW that marriage is a different beast than shacking-up, do we tell our children the significance of marriage vs. living together? Do we broach the subject with our family & friends-whom we dearly love-that they should consider the choices they are making? Do we dare go into the marketplace and explain these concepts to politicians and policy makers who we may otherwise support because he/she represents the political party we are beholden to support? Do we stand silent when we are asked about dating, pre-marital relations, co-habitation, etc. because we don't want to offend anyone?

The bottom-line is do we speak the truth in love? If we are Christians, Ephesians 4:15 commands us to do so, but we must be careful that we are not speaking our version of truth (feelings, opinions) and presenting that as the Gospel. While our feelings and opinions have a place, we must first start with, 'What does the Word say about...? and only after presenting what God says about the subject are we to use our feelings and experiences as examples that will help our family and friends.

Let me hear from you!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Transparency in Christian Marriages-Let's start with Wifey!

Again, I'm only focusing on Christian marriages because I believe if we want to see real & good change in marriages in general, then we must lead by example-that example being God, given through His word, revealed in Christ.

One of the issues I am more appreciative of today is time. I know, you thought I was going to say the 'S' word (submit), but not directly. Time is important because what we do with our time is an indicator of what's important to us-at least at that moment.

Let me ask you wives-Where do you spend most of your time? Is it caring for your family? Are you working outside the home? How many hours per week do you drive back/forth to work? How many home-cooked meals do you prepare for your family? Are you a full-time homemaker? Do you attend any activities at your kids' school? Is your child in day-care or someone else's care more than 10-15 hours per week-even during the school season? Are we making time to sit and talk to our spouses?

Now some of you are fuming at my questions, I know, but I want to assure you, I'm asking myself some of these questions, too, and more. While you're thinking about these questions and others, I want to hear from you what you're thinking, what do you feel when you ask yourself these questions? Do you feel anger, frustration, overwhelmed, guilt, or anything else? I'm not even focusing on solutions right now, just emotions.

Before I end, I want you to think about this-What does it meant to 'Have it all,' and is there a cost to doing so? Let's start digging in and being honest and transparent with ourselves and each other.

To my Sisters-in-Christ!

Europe & Its Problem With Israel


Thursday, June 20, 2013

What I Really Want to Write About!

I've been thinking lately, really thinking and praying about it-that I should write about Christian marriages.

No, not just the seemingly universal problems dealing with finances, children, in-laws, housework, etc., but Christian marriages that are difficult to live through.

I don't want these writings or blogs to turn into a pity-party or a man-bashing/husband-demeaning portal, but I believe there are many Christian marriages that are being endured, not living out their full potential and purpose in Christ.

Let me know what you think. Let me hear from you if you are in a difficult marriage. I believe God can use our transparency to break down strongholds and quicken dead marriages.

Our God specializes in resurrecting that which is dead and since He created marriage, He sure knows how to bring them back to life.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

POTUS visits my kid's school!

Last week, POTUS visited my kid’s school. Here is how my conversation went with the local police officer and one of the Secret Service personnel:

PO: (As I’m dropping off my kid at the entrance) Ok ma’am- you can leave her here and I need you to go ahead and leave. She will be safe.

Me: Officer, let’s get something straight right now-I do this EVERYDAY and I WILL stand here until she goes into the building. I understand I cannot go thru the barricade/detector, but, I WILL stand here until she goes into the building. Please don’t patronize me with, “She will be safe-we got her,” because that implies on the other 180+ school days, she’s not safe-Is that what you’re saying?
PO: Ma’am, I’m just doing my job. I’m not trying to say you’re not the mother, but, I have kids, too. (He was looking very nervous at this time)

Me: Officer --- First, let me assure you that I will not curse you out nor will I disrespect you and what you’re doing. I am thankful that you serve our city and I understand you’re doing your job. I am a veteran, so I understand and support your service. But, since we both have kids, you should know & understand that as a mother, I and most of these parents out here bring our kids to this school everyday and this is what we do. Since I cannot enter the building, I will stand on this lawn, in front of you and this barricade until my kid has entered the building. This is MY kid, not the government’s, not POTUS (I said Obama’s), and since POTUS’ kids have 24/7 armed security-including at school, then I only have the satisfaction of knowing my kid is safe when I assure that she is safely in the building. You all are only here for the 30 minute ‘Pimp the kids photo op’ so, please, spare me the drama.

After I assured him I was not going to curse him or disrespect him-but, I wasn’t moving until I saw my kid in the school-he relaxed. One of the vice principals came over to me to thank me for not being disrespectful or cursing because, as she said, “Mom, you would not believe how many times we have already been cursed out this morning.”

As I was going back to my car, a small group of angry parents were on the corner waiting to cross the street. A Secret Service man was right on the corner with us and as we were venting to each other, he heard me use my ‘Pimp the kids photo op’ line and he laughed and said, “Ma’am-you’re right. I totally understand and agree.” I told him not to say too much because he was on duty and in uniform. He laughed at that, too.

I also made the point to say that all this pomp & circumstance is a political ploy and I don’t care who is in office-because Amy, Ron Jr., Chelsea, Jenna & Barbara, and Malia & Sasha did, do, & will always have 24/7 security, but our kids & school were chosen to be pimped and played for political reasons.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I DID IT! Yep, after that beautiful message on Sunday, yesterday I went to lunch ALONE, on-purpose. Let me point out that in one of my earthly lives, I am European-I mean I love to eat lunch, I love waking up about 10am, and I love to take mid-day siestas (I don’t know how long it’s been since that’s happened, though).

I my other earthly life, I am Asian-I love Thai, Korean, Chinese, & some other Asian dishes. When I was in Korea, it was one of the best times of my life.

My American life, though, is the side where my ‘rugged individualism’ just loves to enjoy lunch & yes, even a matinee, SOLO. And I really did enjoy my lunch yesterday. There were no, “Can I have that, too?” or, “What do you suggest I order?” or “Why do you need to eat that for that price-Shoot, you can cook that at home.”

Nope. None of that at all! I entered the restaurant, knew exactly what I wanted and with book in hand, I ordered a very tender, juicy, well-seasoned 6oz steak, with delicious rice pilaf and grilled veggies. Eating a steak every now and then is also part of my American life.

I enjoyed every morsel. The food was hot, flavorful, just the right portions and filling. Oh, oh, and I had some fresh bread with whipped butter, too.

When I was done, the waitress did not rush me and brought me another glass of iced tea as I sat and continued reading my book. She discreetly placed the check on my table and did not come back until she saw me putting away my book.


PS. Lest some of you religious types don’t get this, it’s all in fun and I hope it adds a little levity to your day!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conservatives Need to use Leftist thought in REVERSE!

See, this is a logical PROGRESSION of leftist thought. When the government pays for your well being, insurance, food, homes, education, & other necessities, wants, desires, then, why would those bureaucrats not ultimately believe they own you & your offspring?

What's interesting is that this is really a normative conservative, theological concept, too. And, since Leftism is the most dynamic religion of the last 30+ years (Prager), then it makes sense.

Normative conservatism and traditional religious values proffer the idea that he who pays & provides for the necessities is the owner, landlord, parent, etc. And, certainly, traditional Christianity supports the idea that God owns everything, including us, and we are stewards of his provisions.

So, conservatives, we need to use this same concept in the other, proper direction, to our benefit. We need to use the same thought process that Rahm Emmanuel offers when it comes to 'not wasting a crisis.'

Conservatives need not run, hide, or cower. We just need to be 'meek as lambs & wise as serpents.' — feeling great


Monday, February 11, 2013

We will understand it better by and by!

One of the hardest things for anyone to do is to accept things we don’t understand. Like many of you, I was ‘forced’ to accept this axiom and its application to life on many occasions. Accepting some things while admitting we don’t understand them doesn’t happen overnight, but, like most adults who have lived long enough to have wisdom, our ancestors would often chant this tune: “By and by, when the morning comes, when the saints of God are gathered home, we'll tell the story how we've overcome, for we'll understand it better by and by.” (Text: Charles Albert Tindley Music: Charles Albert Tindley; arr. by F.A. Clark) Both Elizabeth Elliott and Amy Carmichael have been credited with the phrase, “In acceptance lies peace.” Those are some hard words to even ‘accept.’ The Serenity Prayer puts it this way: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.” (Reinhold Niebuhr) When you really think about it, accepting things we don’t understand really means that we voluntarily and willingly acknowledge our finite capacity, admit there are transcendent truths that will always be larger than life, and ask and allow God to be Sovereign and Provident-as He is and will always be. Finally, Proverbs 3: 5-6 states: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Only by doing this can we have the, “Peace that surpasses all understanding,” while we are here on earth. (Philippians 4:7) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYxihV4IjSw